The ultimate target of the Gladiators was never a potential Soviet invasion force but the population of their own countries. In Belgium this was clear from the first. Immediately after the World War the President of the Belgian Communists was Julian Lahaut. He had been interned by the Nazi occupation forces. When the Belgian right recalled the King to the country, successor to that King of the Belgians who wiped out half the population of the Congo, relative of that prince Albert who was later implicated in the plots of the orgiasts, Lahaut shouted in Parliament “Long live the Republic!”. Two weeks later he was shot dead outside his home. The Nazis one-time collaborators had struck back against their one-time captive.
Not only was the leader of the Communists, and their most popular figure, killed, but the entire movement was victim of the terrorists' attack There is a book which has been quite popular in liberal circles, The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein. It's premise is that the rich take advantage of shocks to society such as revolutions and natural disasters to line their own pockets. The make power grabs while organisations which may oppose them are in disarray.
These is a mistake in this hypothesis. The rich and powerful don't just wait for events to unfold, hoping that things will go their way. They act. They cause attacks. They hire assassins. They bring about revolutions. They use terrorists as cats-paws. If they don't cause natural disasters it's only because they haven't figured out how. As workers form unions to represent their communal self interest, so the rich form criminal conspiracies to represent theirs. The conspiracies of the European ruler class, the businesses, aristocrats and their tools in government have waged their covert wars against left wing and popular movements. The removal of Lahaut allowed the infiltration and control of the socialist party in Belgium.
These secret scandals aren't possible to keep secret forever. One example was the Agusta Dassault affair, a scandal of the socialist party and the habitual corruption of the arms trade.
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