Introduction, Preface, Foreword and Prologuemon
Thus the greatest drive and the greatest war in history which has been paid for by men and organizations owning a vast part of the world's wealth and covetous of all of it, will come to an end with the destruction of the world's special interests. A world ends for Privilege, the great day dawns for the peoples of the earth.
-- George Seldes, Facts and Fascism
I am by inclination a historian. What fascinates me is those areas neglected by historians. Graeco-Bactrians, Icelandic sagas, the Axumite Ethiopes, pre-Islamic Arabia. However the most neglected period of all is that in which we live. Never are the techniques of the historian properly applied to the present day world. History hasn't ended, no delimitations exist between today and yesterday.
It's easy to make judgements about the past which may be uncomfortable when made about the present. Our about far off lands which may be equally applicable to our own. We''ll have none of that.
Briefly their was hope. But hope was the last thing left in Pandora's box of evils because it was the greatest evil. Those who hope can withstand whatever life throws at them in the vain expectation of better things to come. Those who don't hope may be driven by despair to do things for themselves.
Between 1945 and 1979 there was hope. The greatest evil of the twentieth century, the fascist alliance, had been defeated, or such things were said at least. In Britain a Labour government had been elected, a grateful nation not even waiting for the war to end before summarily evicting “Greatest Briton Ever” Winston Churchill from No. 10. The people has spoken and, despite Churchill's accusation that his own wartime deputy would set up a socialist Gestapo, the vote was for a brighter future. In the Soviet Union the post-War period was marked by the greatest period of economic growth in Soviet history. In Japan a system of works councils was briefly instituted to introduce industrial democracy and worker's control. Throughout the civilised world universally and freely available healthcare was introduced, full employment promised and provided, peace and prosperity and homes fit for heroes. A bit of jam today, a lot of jam tomorrow.
For thirty years things got better. Wages went up faster than the cost of living. Income growth was unprecedented, especially in the newly independent countries. The gap between rich and poor narrowed. Sons of coal miners became government ministers. The poor had the hope of giving their children university education without bankrupting themselves. The balance of power between labour and capital, the vendors and consumers of Labour, seemed to have tilted in favour of its providers permanently.
Of course there is now a different consensus view of this period. Excessive union activity, rapid inflation, budgetary crises. And this is one aspect of what we will be looking at. History is not an impartial science. It's not chemistry. It is a weapon. What is claimed to have been and what actually was are different. The truth is that wage increases consistently topped inflation for the entire period, leaving those disadvantaged by inflation being the holders of capital: banks. Even the liberal Craig Murray concedes that a worker who can't withdraw his labour is nothing more than a slave. As for budgetary crises, as with the fall of the French Socialist government in 1981/2 the gnomes of Zurich and controllers of international finance can engineer such a thing with ease. That's what they do for a living. Democracy requires education, and as Marx said, when equal right are present force prevails, true whether the force is physical or financial. Nonetheless the Labour government, already showing signs of the right-wing, middle-class and liberal inclinations which created the devil-spawned Scotophile New Labour we suffered through for so long, left surpluses and receiving deficits during both its periods in government in the sixties and seventies.
But people accept these lies because it's what those in power tell them. Those who apparently provided the great benefits of the last century. Forgotten is the role played by the people themselves in forcing these changes on the political class, whose community of interest is far more with their fellows in the other party than with the mugs who vote for them.
The truth is different, and less pleasant. The destruction of the post-war consensus did, however, have its roots in the society it had created. Not debt and immorality and excessive spending coming home to roost, though. Rather fascism, that old enemy of all people everywhere, has never been properly extirpated from the world.
Fascism was never a mass movement. It gained power everywhere through deceit and violence. Hitler was not, contrary to the impression you may have gained from his modern day inheritors, elected. His party not only didn't win a majority, it wasn't even the biggest party and had lost a significant share of its vote in the last election before the burning of Reichstag conveniently allowed the Nazis the seize power. The Spanish fascists even took to getting their soldiers drunk before sending them off to start the revolution, other officers telling their men it was an exercise or that they were defending the Republic against a Communist uprising.
Fascism, in fact, has always been the International of Capital. Capital may have lost the war, but capital also won the war. And then set about winning the peace. That supposed guarantor of post-war peace NATO was a prime tool in the effort. Secretly inserted in the founding agreement was the requirement of all member nations to set up a secret force to be activated in the event of a Soviet invasion, complete with secret arms caches and money supplies. These were recruited from the most enthusiastic anti-Communists. Who were war-criminals, fascists, Nazi collaborators.
A common sense strategy, but not a wise one, these fascists would be the first up against the wall in any revolution of invasion. One source of man power not in short supply after the war was emigrees from the former Nazi nations newly under Communist rule. Of course these movements were thoroughly infiltrated by the NKVD and administered by western intelligence services themselves infiltrated by Soviet spies.
The Marshall Plan was also used as a weapon, despite the mistaken modern belief that it was a generous and selfless act on the part of the American government to redevelop war-torn economies of Europe. Funds were distributed only on condition that Communists were excluded from government in those countries. Communists were ejected from Government in France, despite their dominant role in the Resistance, elections were rigged in Italy with the collaboration of the native government, Germany was prevented from accepting the Soviet plan for unification and neutralisation along the lines of Austria.
Ultimately the foundation of NATO led to the establishment of the secret conspiracy against democracy labelled Gladio. In the NATO charter was a secret provision that all member nations must establish a covert armed force to form a resistance movement in the event of a Communist invasion. This network, the Gladiators, working for their domestic intelligence services and the American intelligence services, were equipped with caches of arms and money. No Communist invasion ever took place but the arms and explosives were put to good use by the Gladiators perpetrating terrorist atrocities designed to slander the Left and subvert democracy, the so-called Strategy of Tension. Similar networks were set up in other parts of the world, most importantly the South American Operation Condor, which worked internationally throughout the region to protect the dictators of its member nations against dissidents in their own peoples. These networks, with what I would consider a natural capitalist disregard for the rule of law, the common good and freedom and democracy for individuals, formed alliances with networks of right-wing terrorists, organised crime, big-business and even religious bodies, from the Vatican's administration of Nazi escape routes after the War to the modern right-wing financing of the “Reverend” Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church.
These networks, their masters and their incredible crimes form the basis of our area of investigation.
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